Contact our Enrollment & Eligibility Services Department by calling (510) 981-3250 with any questions. Or email us In person assistance available at the locations below.
Administration Office 2344 6th St. Berkeley, CA
Monday-Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm
Closed 12:00pm-1:00pm
Fridays 9:00am-12:00pm
In order to determine your eligibility for free or low-cost services, you will be asked to bring the following items (for all members of your household) with you to your enrollment appointment:
Using county software programs, our team will ask you a number of questions to determine whether you or your family members are eligible for any of the assistance programs available in your county (HealthPAC, Medi-Cal, Family PACT and CalFresh). The County or State program officials will notify you directly if you are approved for these programs. If you do not qualify for any of these programs, LifeLong Medical Care also offers affordable pricing on a sliding scale basis.